Saturday, July 27, 2024

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets By J.k. Rowling

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The Flying Ford | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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J.k. Rowling

J K Rowling es autora de los siete libros de la famosa saga de Harry Potter. Amada por lectores de todo el mundo, la serie ha vendido más de 500 millones de ejemplares, se ha traducido a ochenta idiomas y ha inspirado ocho películas de enorme éxito de taquilla. Ha escrito asimismo tres volúmenes complementarios con fines benéficos: Quidditch a través de los tiempos, Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos , y Los cuentos de Beedle el Bardo , así como el guión inspirado en Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos, la primera de una serie de cinco películas que escribirá la autora. También colaboró en una obra, Harry Potter y el legado maldito, Partes Uno y Dos, que se estrenó en el West End de Londres en el verano de 2016. En 2012 creó la plataforma digital Pottermore, donde sus fans pueden disfrutar de noticias, reportajes y artículos, así como de contenido original escrito por J.K. Rowling. Asimismo, ha escrito la novela para adultos Una vacante imprevista, y, con el seudónimo Robert Galbraith, la serie de novelas policíacas protagonizadas por Cormoran Strike. Ha sido galardonada con numerosos premios, entre ellos la Orden del Imperio Británico por su contribución a la literatura infantil y la Orden de los Compañeros de Honor, la Orden de la Legión de Honor de Francia y el Premio Hans Christian Andersen.

J K Rowling And Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Background

The Harry Potter books were fabulously successful upon their publication. Most readers like an unlikely hero, and Harry, with his broken glasses, skinny frame, and late learning about the wizard world, is such a hero. He succeeds as a result of his enthusiasm, courage, and good friends. These are all positive traits that any reader can understand and desire. Because Harry’s relatives undervalue his complex and companionable personality, we are satisfied when he triumphs over people and creatures more powerful than he. Harry is a quirky, unlikely hero.

J.K. Rowling’s series of adventures touches the common children’s fantasy that another world coexists with our own. The Harry Potter books describe us as Muggles, non-magical people who live our entire lives oblivious to the existence of wizards. The novels allow us to envision a magical world that we are otherwise unable to see. The attitude of wizards toward Muggles is usually tolerant and humoring. The book blurs the boundary between real life and fantasy. Even if there were wizards in our world, we, as Muggles, wouldn’t know about them.

Chapter : The Deathday Party

Why would anyone want to celebrate the day they died? Sounds dead depressing to me…
Ron, about the Deathday Party

Petrified Mrs Norris

In return for distracting Argus Filch just when he is about to give Harry severe punishment, Harry promises he will come to Nearly Headless Nick‘s Deathday Party on Hallowe’en. He brings Ron and Hermione along as well. While there, they meet Moaning Myrtle. The three of them quickly get sickened by the ghostly party and return to the Great Hall.

Before they get to the Hallowe’en feast, Harry hears the voice again and follows it to the second floor, where he finds the bathroom flooded and Mrs Norris, Filch’s cat, hanging from a torch bracket, petrified and next to her, a threatening message is written on the wall, reading “THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE”. Then, students leaving the Hallowe’en Feast surround them. And Malfoy yells: “Enemies of the Heir, beware! You’ll be next, Mudbloods!”

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Is It Any Good

While this sequel doesn’t have the impact of the Potter origin story, it’s an exciting creature feature with an engrossing mystery to solve. Many, especially older readers, consider this the lesser of the Potter books, but for younger readers, this is an ideal way to ramp up for the rest of the series. The fear is of external forces — monsters — not the less tangible, like how the Dementors in Book 3 embody fear itself. And the mystery builds in a more straightforward manner with steps Harry, Ron, and Hermione take to uncover clues: brewing a potion, playing the spy, and breaking all kinds of school rules in the process as they do.

All that said, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets preps young fantasy fans to take on the meatier stories to come. The monsters sure are scary, and the scenes in the Forbidden Forest and the Chamber of Secrets are thrilling. What was Hagrid thinking telling Harry and Ron to “follow the spiders”? And as for the mystery, efforts to solve it may be methodical but the Chamber of Secrets has quite a few secrets to reveal — some that only come to light in Book 6. Mouths will be hanging open in that climactic moment when the Heir of Slytherin is revealed at last and appetites will be whetted for more Potter mystery and excitement to come.

Book : Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

First Edition Criteria and Points to identify Harry Potter and the ...

When it hit the shelves: July 2, 1998

What happens in the book: After a summer spent with the Dursleys, Harry is excited to return to Hogwarts. An unexpected visitor, the house elf Dobby, tries in vain to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts by getting him to illegally perform magic outside of the school.

The Ministry of Magic blames Harry anyway, and the Dursleys confiscate Harry’s books and wand. Uncle Vernon puts bars on Harry’s windows, imprisoning him in his room. Fred and George Weasley, Ron’s brothers, rescue Harry from 4 Privet Drive with their father’s flying car. Harry spends the remainder of the summer at the Weasleys’ cramped but cozy home.

When Harry returns to Hogwarts, he realizes he has developed a cult following. Fellow student Colin Creevy constantly takes pictures of him Ginny Weasley, Ron’s sister, seems to have developed a crush on Harry and professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a pompous wizard, boasts about Harry’s accomplishments and their nonexistent rapport.

Ginny disappears and Ron, Hermione and Harry try to find her. Soon Harry and Ginny are trapped in the Chamber of Secrets with the Basilisk. Fawkes, Dumbledore’s faithful phoenix, delivers the Sorting Hat to Harry, who draws the sword of Gryffindor from it. With the sword, Harry blinds and maims the Basilisk, which manages to bite Harry at the last minute. Dying from the Basilisk’s poison, Harry is revived by Fawkes’ rejuvenating tears.

The Players:

The Magic Gadgets:

Miral Sattar

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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets By Jk Rowling

J.K. Rowlings series began with the Philosophers Stone and The Chamber of Secrets continues the adventures of the young wizard Harry and his friends at Hogwarts.

The Chamber of Secrets begins, as did the Philosophers Stone, with Harry once again at home with the dreadful Dursleys. The Dursleys are, to put it mildly, unpleasant and the arrival of the house elf Dobby sets in motion a chain of events that ends with Harry, thanks in no small part to a flying car, happily back at Hogwarts. There are mysterious happenings at Hogwarts and Harry, assisted by his staunch friends Hermoine and Ron set about discovering the truth to the Chamber of Secrets and look for clues to help them understand the attacks on the children at the school.

All the ingredients that made The Philosophers Stone a much-loved success are once again here in abundance. This is a rich fantasy tale, fuelled by J.K. Rowlings vivid imagination and full to the spine with magic, spells, companionship and humour. The humour, in particular, is once again rich in the narrative, a humour that will make both children and adults laugh at loud. Gilderoy Lockhart is a superb character that steals the spotlight from Harry and his friends on more than one occasion.

A delightful fantasy story full of magic, mystery and laughter.

9/10A delightful fantasy story full of magic, mystery and laughter.

Special And Visual Effects

Visual effects took nine months to make, until 9 October 2002, when the film was finished.Industrial Light & Magic, Mill Film, the Moving Picture Company , Cinesite and Framestore CFC handled the approximately 950 visual effect shots in the film.Jim Mitchell and Nick Davis served as visual effects supervisors. They were in charge of creating the CG characters Dobby the House Elf, the Basilisk, and the Cornish pixies, among others. Chas Jarrett from MPC served as CG supervisor, overseeing the approach of any shot that contains CG in the film. With a crew of 70 people, the company produced 251 shots, 244 of which made it to the film, from September 2001 to October 2002.

The visual effects team worked alongside creature effects supervisor Nick Dudman, who devised Fawkes the Phoenix, the Mandrakes, Aragog the Acromantula, and the first 25 feet of the Basilisk. According to Dudman, Aragog was the most challenging character to create. The giant spider stood 9 feet tall with an 18 feet foot leg span, each of which had to be controlled by a different team member. The whole creature weighed three quarters of a ton. It took over 15 people to operate the animatronic Aragog on set.

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Chapter : The Worst Birthday

Uncle Vernon: “And you, boy?
Harry: “I’ll be in my room, making no noise and pretending I’m not there.
Vernon Dursley and Harry Potter

Harry sitting on a bench, unaware of someone in the bushes

Harry Potter has returned to the Dursleys for the summer holiday in mid-1992, and things are very bad for him. Over the summer, the Dursleys have become so fearful of Harry’s new-found magical abilities that they have locked away all of Harry’s magical supplies immediately after his arrival home. They have also banned Harry from saying words such as “magic” in the house, as evident in Uncle Vernon‘s outburst about Harry saying “say the magic word” . Harry begins to worry about what his teachers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will think if he heads back to them without back homework done, and whether or not he’ll be banned from the Gryffindor House Quidditch team since he has not been able to practise. The Dursley’s have however let him keep his pet snowy owl Hedwig, but have put a padded lock on her cage to keep her inside day and night to avoid suspicion from the neighbours. This does not go well for the bird, because every time she has become bored, her screech has rung throughout the house, causing an irritated Vernon to warn Harry that if he cannot control her, she will have to go.

Talk To Your Kids About

Gilderoy Lockhart | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Families can talk about the big scary monsters in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Are you afraid of monsters? Does reading about them make you more afraid? Ron really hates spiders. How does he deal with his fear? What does it say that someone with such a fear is still in Gryffindor, the house for the bravest witches and wizards?

  • Kids just getting into the series will find a whole world of Harry Potter available to them, from Chocolate Frogs for sale at the grocery store to theme parks. A diehard Potter fan can spend a lot of money in their lifetime on merchandise and experiences. Do you think this is worth your money? Are there other ways you can celebrate books you love without raiding your piggie bank?

  • Will you read more of the series? Are you ready for the stories to get darker and more complex? Will you read some other books in between or plow right through as some kids do?

  • Publication date: June 20, 1999
  • Number of pages: 341
  • Monsters invade Camp Half-Blood in exciting sequel.

    age 9+

  • Exciting faerie series with a fantastic tomboy heroine.

    age 11+

  • Gory, unique story has mythic monsters as heroes.

    age 9+

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets begins when Harry is spending a miserable summer with his only remaining family, the Dursleys. During a dinner party hosted by his uncle and aunt, Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf. Dobby warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts, the magical school for wizards that Harry attended the previous year. Harry politely disregards the warning, and Dobby wreaks havoc in the kitchen, infuriating the Dursleys. The Dursleys angrily imprison Harry in his room for the rest of the summer. Luckily, Harry’s friend Ron Weasley steals Harry away in a flying car, and Harry happily spends the rest of the summer at the Weasley home.

While shopping for school supplies with the Weasleys, Harry has two unfortunate encounters. He first encounters Lockhart, one of his teachers, who demands to be in a photo shoot with Harry. Harry then encounters Lucius Malfoy, the evil father of one of Harry’s enemies, who almost starts a fight with Mr. Weasley. As Harry prepares to return to Hogwarts, he finds that he and Ron are unable to enter the magically invisible train platform, so they fly the Weasley car to Hogwarts. They land messily, and both boys are given detentions. Lockhart, who believes Harry flew the car to get attention, lectures Harry.

What Parents Need To Know

Parents need to know that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series about an orphan boy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you’re flying through the Potter books faster than a Quidditch seeker because kids have been begging, note that after Book 2, the series gets more complex and scarier, and a break between Book 2 and Book 3 may be warranted, especially if you’re doing a read-aloud party with siblings of different ages. Harry Potter Age-by-Age Guide as well as details in individual reviews will help you decide. Also of note: this one is tough on kids who are afraid of monsters like giant snakes and spiders. Both attack school kids in tense scenes. Some kids end up in a coma-like state, and two students nearly die in the book’s climax. There are also a lot of ghosts, but they are often more silly than scary. Something not in the movie is Nearly Headless Nick’s Deathday Party, where decapitated ghosts throw their heads around for sport. Main characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione are rewarded for their bravery, but after quite a bit of rule breaking. The story is full of positive messages about friendship and that our choices show what we truly are more than our abilities and backgrounds. This book is also available in an illustrated edition with art by Jim Kay.

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The 9 Most Surprising Harry Potter Movie Moments

  • The scene in Flourish & Blotts, where Hermione’s parents are seen inside Diagon Alley, has been called a plot hole. Normally, Muggles cannot enter, or see, Diagon Alley. However, the Grangers are accompanied by Hermione, who, as a witch, would know how to enter through the Leaky Cauldron . In the book, the Grangers comment to Mr. Weasley about having visited Gringotts to exchange their Muggle money for Wizarding money. If this is the case, they obviously aren’t the first Muggles to enter Diagon Alley .
  • At the end of the credits we see what happened to the amnesiac Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. He has written a book titled “Who Am I?”. His moving image on the book’s cover wears a straitjacket, and hums the movie’s theme tune.
  • German theatrical version was cut to secure a “Not under 6” rating. Additionally some dialogue was changed . This version was released on DVD & VHS in Germany and Austria but not in Switzerland where the uncut version was released . The uncut version of the movie was rated “Not under 12” and was shown on TV and released on Blu-ray.

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Jacket art of the original UK edition
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and the second novel in the Harry Potter series. The plot follows Harry‘s second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during which a series of messages on the walls of the school’s corridors warn that the “Chamber of Secrets” has been opened and that the “heir of Slytherin” would kill all pupils who do not come from all-magical families. These threats are found after attacks that leave residents of the school petrified. Throughout the year, Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione investigate the attacks.

Several commentators have noted that personal identity is a strong theme in the book and that it addresses issues of racism through the treatment of non-human, non-magical, and non-living people. Some commentators regard the story’s diary that writes back as a warning against uncritical acceptance of information from sources whose motives and reliability cannot be checked. Institutional authority is portrayed as self-serving and incompetent.

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