Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Happens In Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

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Professor Lockhart’s Valentine’s Day Breakfast Never Makes It Into The Film

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – Warner Bros. UK

Obviously I’m upset about this party being omitted as well.

Now that you know all of this, are you ready to make everyone hate you at a house party? I hope so.

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Chapter 1: Cat Rat And Dog

Sirius Black: “Going to kill me, Harry?
Harry Potter: “You killed my parents.
Sirius Black: “I don’t deny it… But if you knew the whole story.
In the Shrieking Shack

Ron being dragged by the black dog into the Whomping Willow

Shortly afterwards, Scabbers escapes from Ron’s grasp. Harry, Ron and Hermione run after him and spot the black dog and Crookshanks. After Ron catches Scabbers, the dog grabs Ron by the arm and pulls him in a passage under the Whomping Willow, breaking his leg in the process. Harry, Hermione, and Crookshanks follow after them. The passage leads them to the Shrieking Shack, where they find Ron, Scabbers, and Sirius Black. Black turns out to be an unregistered Animagus whose animal form is a black dog he was the one who dragged Ron down into the Shrieking Shack.

But make it quick, Remus. I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for…
Sirius Black, about killing Pettigrew

Sirius Black’s animagus form, a black dog

I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat.
Lupin, about Peter Pettigrew

The Shrieking Shack

Before Lupin and Sirius can kill Pettigrew, Harry stops them, saying that James would not want his two best friends to become killers. The group takes Pettigrew back to the grounds, where he will be handed to the Dementors.

Tom Riddle Gets His Math Wrong

Harry is surprised when he finds out Tom Riddle, an exemplary student during his time at Hogwarts, is behind the attacks on muggle-borns. He’s also thrown when Riddle reveals himself to be Lord Voldemort from a different era, before the Dark Lord turned bald, lost his nose and was known around the world as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

During their showdown, the Dark Lord mocks Harry by saying his mother, Lily, bought him 12 years of borrowed time. But, in this instance, Voldemort has got his numbers mixed up. Harry was one year old when he survived the attack at Godric’s Hollow, and 12 at the moment of their conversation, meaning Riddle should have said his mother bought the youngster 11 years of borrowed time instead.

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Chapter 2: Owl Post Again

Vernon Dursley: “You haven’t got a godfather!
Harry Potter: “Yes, I have. He was my mum and dad’s best friend. He’s a convicted murderer, but he’s broken out of wizard prison and he’s on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though…keep up with my news…check if I’m happy…
Harry telling Uncle Vernon about Sirius

Pigwidgeon bringing Sirius’ letter

Harry and Hermione make it back to the hospital wing just in time for Dumbledore to magically lock the door. Shortly afterwards, Snape bursts in, followed by Fudge and Dumbledore, and accuses Harry of freeing Black. Fudge assumes Snape is simply delirious because his chances of receiving the Order of Merlin have gone up in smoke. Fudge leaves to inform the Daily Prophet of the news and agrees to remove the Dementors from Hogwarts, since the Dementors’ attempt to perform the Dementor’s Kiss on Harry proves them to be more harmful than helpful. Shortly after they leave, Ron wakes up from his unconscious state.

The next day, while most of the other students are at Hogsmeade, the trio learns that Lupin is resigning because Snape told the Slytherin house Lupin’s secret. Harry goes to see Lupin and is unable to sway Lupin’s mind, since Lupin does not want to risk endangering the students again. Lupin confirms Harry’s suspicions that James’ Animagus form was indeed a stag. Lupin then gives Harry his Invisibility Cloak back, along with the Marauder’s Map, and leaves with Dumbledore to catch his carriage.

When Did The Harry Potter Books Take Place

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Dual Audio ...

I always wondered when the setting of the books was supposed to be. Is it set in the past? Present? Future?

I remember seeing somewhere that there was actual years/dates associated with events in the book.

Is there a visual timeline of all the Harry Potter events somewhere with years/months/days mentioned?

All dates in the HP world trace back to the Death Day party of Nearly Headless Nick in The Chamber of Secrets. It was stated that his it was his 500th Death Day. The cake reads:

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpingtondied 31st October, 1492

So, it stands to reason that during the second year, Harry Potter was 12, and that it was the year 1992. All dates can be calculated from that moment in time.

It should also be noted that this isn’t strictly adhered to, specifically, Dudley has Playstation before they came out, among other things.

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Chapter 1: Snape’s Grudge

Mr Prongs agrees with Mr Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.
The Marauder’s Map writing the insult to Snape

Snape analysing the Marauder’s Map

Another search of the castle takes place, but Black evades capture again. Tighter security is put in place: Professor Flitwick is teaching the doors to recognise Sirius Black while Argus Filch boards up everything Black can use to sneak in except the passageway into Hogsmeade. Sir Cadogan is fired and the Fat Lady resumes her duty guarding Gryffindor Tower on the condition her portrait is to be guarded. Ron becomes an instant celebrity, which he enjoys. Neville, on the other hand, is in complete disgrace: Professor McGonagall is so furious with him that she strips him of his visitation rights to Hogsmeade for the rest of the school year, gives him a detention and forbids the other Gryffindors to tell him the password. His grandmother, , sends him a Howler two days later.

On their way back to Gryffindor Tower, Harry and Ron find Hermione, who informs them that the Ministry has decided to execute Buckbeak despite the help she provided for Buckbeak’s defence.

Chapter : The Leaky Cauldron

Are you planning to eat or sleep at all this year, Hermione?
Harry referring to Hermione’s number of classes

The caged copies of The Monster Book of Monsters

Harry spends the rest of the holidays in Diagon Alley, purchasing his school things and making sure not to make any unnecessary purchases. On the last day of the holidays, Harry meets up with Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys who are also staying at the Leaky Cauldron. When Hermione decides to spend her birthday money on a magical pet, to Ron’s displeasure, Hermione purchases a cat named Crookshanks, who harasses Ron’s pet rat Scabbers. At some point during the night, Harry overhears a conversation between Ron’s parents, Arthur and Molly Weasley. From what he hears, he learns that when Voldemort met his downfall, Black lost everything, and is now trying to kill Harry. Harry realises that Fudge let him off because he was relieved to find Harry alive. He is unconcerned about Black, doubting that the escapee could harm him at Hogwarts, with headmaster Albus Dumbledore around.

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Chapter : Flight Of The Fat Lady

Oh yes, Professorhead, he got very angry when she wouldn’t let him, you see. Nasty temper he’s got, that Sirius Black.
Peeves to Professor Dumbledore regarding the Fat Lady.

Lupin’s potion made by Snape

In October, the Gryffindor Quidditch team practises hard for the upcoming Quidditch season, especially since this is their team captain Oliver Wood’s final year at Hogwarts. Oliver believes that despite the misfortune which occurred during the previous two years their team should be able to win the Quidditch Cup before he graduates. Third years are also visiting Hogsmeade on Hallowe’en, and only Harry is not allowed, because his uncle did not sign his permission form. Harry spends the day in Lupin’s office, drinking tea with him. Lupin tells him that he did not let Harry face the Boggart because he did not want the Boggart to become Lord Voldemort. Shortly afterwards, Snape appears with a mysterious potion for Lupin. Lupin claims to simply have an illness, and that he is aided by the potion.

A few hours later, Ron and Hermione return. They reach the portrait of the Fat Lady and see it slashed and that the Fat Lady is gone. Peeves reveals that he saw her fleeing through another portrait after Sirius Black attacked her for not letting him into Gryffindor Tower. Dumbledore, Argus Filch, and Percy seek her out.

Well, you know the Whomping Willow. It – it doesn’t like being hit.
Ron regarding Harry’s Nimbus 2000

The Grim

Chapter : At Flourish And Blotts

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PC) but every character is eating too much!
Lucius Malfoy: “Dear me, what’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it?
Arthur Weasley: “We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.
Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley arguing at Flourish and Blotts.

Gilderoy Lockhart showing off his book

Harry stays at the Burrow until his departure for Hogwarts. The Weasleys make it clear that they all like Harry. For example, Arthur insists that Harry sit next to him during meals where Molly, who constantly deplores the state of his hand-me-down clothes and how thin he is, insists that he eat extra food. During that period, he and the Weasleys travel to Diagon Alley with Floo Powder to get their school supplies. Harry has difficulty with the smoke around him and says “Diagon Alley” unclearly, and thus he accidentally lands in a shop in the ill-reputed Knockturn Alley instead. The shop is Borgin and Burkes, specialising in objects related to Dark magic. There he sees Lucius Malfoy, father of Draco Malfoy, Harry’s arch rival from school, selling items imbued with Dark magic to a dark arts salesman, Mr Borgin. Lucius Malfoy explains that the Ministry has been conducting raids on wizard houses to uncover illegal artefacts, so he is selling his more problematic possessions. He also expresses his disdain for a rumoured Muggle Protection Act, which he assumes Arthur Weasley is behind.

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Inspiration And Mother’s Death

Rowling worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary in London for , then moved with her boyfriend to Manchester where she worked at the Chamber of Commerce. In 1990, she was on a four-hour delayed train trip from Manchester to London when the idea “came fully formed” into her mind for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry. When she reached her flat, she began to write immediately.

In December 1990, Rowling’s mother Anne died after suffering from for ten years. Rowling was writing Harry Potter at the time and had never told her mother about it. Her mother’s death heavily affected Rowling’s writing, and she channelled her own feelings of loss by writing about Harry’s grief in greater detail in the first book.

Harry Potter: 10 Hidden Details From Chamber Of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a fan favorite from the franchise. The great movie features some stuff that even the biggest fans missed.

Harry Potter is a magical world full of fantastic spells and amazing charms. While many are intentional, some have ended up slipping through the cracks over time. With some moments dominating the screen, many clever tricks or hidden details have ended up passing even the most hardcore Potterheads.

The films smartly added plenty of Easter Eggs and went through many difficult situations to make the movies, most of which fans are totally unaware of.

But fear not, as within this list we will take a look at the hidden details that you may have missed, this time focusing fully on Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets.

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Chapter 1: Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

The beginning of Professor Trelawney’s prediction


The students take their end-of-year exams in June. Buckbeak’s appeal is scheduled on the final day of the exams. After Harry’s Divination final, Trelawney issues a genuine prediction that Voldemort’s servant will return to him that night and Voldemort will once again rise to full power stronger than before. Meanwhile, Buckbeak’s appeal fails, and it is decided that Buckbeak would be executed.

That night, after Hermione retrieves Harry’s Invisibility Cloak from the one-eyed witch’s hump , Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the cloak to go to Hagrid’s cabin to console him before Buckbeak is executed. Hermione finds Scabbers in a milk jug and returns him to Ron. After the trio depart, Dumbledore, Fudge, a representative of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, and the executioner, Walden Macnair, arrive. Buckbeak is then apparently executed.

Notable Awards And Recognitions

MUSTAFASAYYAD.BLOGSPOT.IN: Harry Potter and the Chamber of ...
  • Rowlings Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was listed as a critical work of art among the novels in the 2000 Notable Childrens Books category by the American Library Association.
  • The book was also nominated in the category Best Books for Young Adults.
  • In 1999, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was suggested as an Editors Choice by Booklist.
  • The book was also one of the Top Ten Fantasy Novels for Youth.
  • The novel was shortlisted by the Cooperative Childrens Book Center in the Fiction for Children category in 2000.
  • HP& TCOS also won the Childrens Book of the Year British Book Award in 1998.
  • The book was nominated for the 1998 Carnegie Award and the Guardian Childrens Award.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was honoured with the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize in 1998.

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Chapter : Dobby’s Warning

Harry Potter is valiant and bold! He has braved so many dangers already! But Dobby has come to protect Harry Potter, to warn him, even if he does have to shut his ears in the oven door later… Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts.
Dobby warning Harry

Dobby bowing to Harry Potter

The thing on his bed, a house elf named Dobby who was behind the mysterious eyes Harry saw, tells Harry that he must not go back to Hogwarts, as it will be dangerous because terrible things are going to happen there. The elf, however, can’t tell him what things, and continues to be vague because every time he gets close to letting something slip he starts hurting himself. In the process, he makes a lot of noise, which is noticed by the group downstairs. When he hears Uncle Vernon coming upstairs , Harry hides the elf in his closet right before Vernon comes in and scolds his nephew for making such a racket which has messed up the punchline of his “Japanese golfer joke“. He lets Dobby out as soon as his uncle leaves, and insists that he has to go back to Hogwarts since that’s where he has friends despite them not writing to him. But to his surprise, Dobby then reveals that he has stopped letters being sent to Harry, and offers them to him if Harry will stay away from Hogwarts. Harry refuses and, making a frustrated Dobby run downstairs and use a Hover Charm to smash the dinner party’s pudding.

This is the best house I’ve ever been in.
Harry Potter, about the Burrow

The flying Ford Anglia

Chapter : Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award – but I don’t talk about that. I didn’t get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!
Gilderoy Lockhart, presenting himself

A baby mandrake root

The next day, Ron receives a Howler from his mother during breakfast in the Great Hall. Then, Minerva McGonagall hands out timetables and the first class is Herbology with the Hufflepuffs. In the class, Professor Sprout teaches how to transplant Mandrake seedlings, which have restorative properties when mature. The next class is Transfiguration, where Ron has problems with his broken wand, even when he repaired it with some Spellotape. Later, the trio have their first lesson with Gilderoy Lockhart, appointed as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. His way of teaching is a complete disaster. Much to Harry’s chagrin, he receives constant attention from Lockhart and Colin Creevey, a first year student. Both constantly interact with him on the base of his fame .

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