Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Do Harry Potter Characters Think Of Me

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What Your Favorite Harry Potter Character Says About You

Edit audios that make me think of Harry Potter characters/ships â¨

No one really debates over whether the Harry Potter series is great or not , but we all for sure argue over who the best characters are. Maybe youre a fan of the major badassery of Sirius Black. Or perhaps you really see the good in people, so you adore Severus Snape. Perhaps youre a rooter for the underdog? Were guessing you might be a Neville Longbottom lover.

We all have our reasons for why we love who we love, but your favorite character says a lot more about you than you might think.

Harry Potter: You may not always wear your emotions on your sleeve, but youre incredibly loyal to your friends and family. Youre more of a doer than a thinker, and youre braver than you may think.

Ron Weasley: You live in the now. Youre also a great friend. However, youre sometimes prone to bouts of jealousy. You aspire to accomplish great things, and sometimes make the mistake of comparing your successes and shortcomings to the successes and shortcomings of others.

Hermione Granger: Youre really smart, maybe kind of a know-it-all, but you really just love books and learning! You shouldnt be faulted for that. Youre a natural problem-solver. Youre a loyal, caring person, even if these traits can manifest themselves in an overly-protective, motherly manner.

Neville Longbottom: Perhaps youre an underdog. You might not perform well in school, and you might be scared of lots of things. But sooner or later, youll find your place and youll prove yourself!

People Who Are Open Adore Lando Calrissian

Although Lando Calrissian was more of a supporting character throughout the Star Wars franchise, he has managed to accumulate a strong following and has plenty of fans. It was a common theme in the study from Marshall University that people who scored high in openness liked characters with an uncertain morality, something that definitely describes the former smuggler.

The natural curiosity and imagination of those who have the open personality trait leaves them wanting to experience new things or be creative, which people could easily associate with Lando, given his eccentric and lavish lifestyle.

Recommended Reading: Harry Potter George Death

Quiz: What Do The Harry Potter Characters Think Of You

The kids at Hogwarts are very talented, fun to watch, and are capable of performing a lot of magic. If they thought you to be cool, you might even earn a recommendation to join Hogwarts. The quiz below will let you know what they think of you. Try it out!

  • 1. What are your favorite colors out of these?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Who is your Harry Potter guy?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Which of the following do you hang out with?
  • A.& nbsp

    Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cedric, and Cho

  • B.& nbsp

    Fred, George, Harry, Ron, and Hermione

  • C.& nbsp

    Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle

  • D.& nbsp

    Susan, Hannah, Ginny, and Cho

  • 5. Roleplay: Lets say you and your friend are in the forbidden forest at night time. Then you hear a rustling noise nearby. Out comes a werewolf. What do you do?
  • A.& nbsp

    Tell my friend to run, and Ill fight it.

  • B.& nbsp

    Kill it before it even comes to you

  • C.& nbsp

    Trip your friend and run

  • D.& nbsp

    You and your friend both fight it

  • 6. Which of these characteristics describe you?
  • A.& nbsp
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    Machiavellian Egotists Prefer Jar Jar Binks

    Perhaps the most bizarre finding from the study was the psychological profile of those who were big fans of Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequels. According to the researchers, those who liked the much maligned character showed a strong correlation with being both narcissistic and Machiavellian. This means that they are likely to be egotistical, manipulative, and exploitative of others. Perhaps this explains the crazy fan theory that Jar Jar is actually a secret Sith Lord.

    *** Christmas Recipes ***

    Do You Think These " Harry Potter"  Characters Would Survive ...

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    Make and share this Basic All Purpose Brine for Meats, Chicken, and Turkey recipe from

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    Are You A Rule Follower Or A Rule Breaker

    Scroll down to answer

    • The rules are there for a reason, and I do NOT want to get expelled. Definitely a rule follower.
    • I like to not get caught breaking the rules, but I definitely have a mischievous streak.
    • There is a time and a place for rules, however there is also a time and place to break rules.
    • I do my best, but I always seem to be finding myself in the wrong situation, doing the wrong thing.
    • I know how important it is for other people not to have dirt to pin on me, but I cant help but break the rules sometimes.

    What Do The Harry Potter Characters Think Of You Quiz

    Are you wondering, ” What do the Harry Potter characters think of you? ” The harry potter characters are very interesting and have the unmatched determination and close friendships. Do you think you would last a day in Hogwarts? Who would be your best friend? Let us answer this question by trying to know what the characters of harry porter think about you as a person. Just answer the question and find out!

    • What Hogwarts house are you in?
    • A.& nbsp
  • Who is your favorite character?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Other

  • 3. Role-Play! You are at Hogsmeade and you see someone who is hurt. What do you do?
  • A.& nbsp

    Help them to the best of your ability and send someone to get Madame Pomfrey.

  • B.& nbsp

    Kick them to make it worse and walk away laughing.

  • C.& nbsp

    Run to get help then leave.

  • D.& nbsp

    I’m the one who is hurt.

  • 4. Role-play! You see Malfoy picking on a group of kids . What do you do?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Stand up for the first year.

  • D.& nbsp

    Hex Malfoy until he cries.

  • E.& nbsp

    Tell Malfoy to pick on someone in his own year! He’s such a coward, picking on little kids!

  • 5. You got ‘Exceeds Expectations’ on all your O.W.L.’s. What classes will you take in years six and seven?
  • A.& nbsp

    Herbology, Divination, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguartion

  • B.& nbsp
  • The ones required to be an Auror.

  • D.& nbsp
  • I’m not going back to Hogwarts for years six and seven.

  • 6. Role-play! You, Harry, Ron and Hermione are visiting Hagrid after dark. On the way back, dementors attack you! What do you do?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Read Also: Harry Potter’s Middle Name

    How Do You Feel About Kids

    Scroll down to answer

    • I love kids! Sometimes I think Im just a big kid myself. I especially feel empathy for kids who get bullied or treated badly. I always want to hug them.
    • They can definitely be a handful. I love them, but theyre exasperating.
    • I try to see the potential in young people. They inspire me.
    • There are times I struggle to understand children. Ive had such a complicated life, its hard to connect with them.
    • The more the merrier!

    Ever Wonder What The Harry Potter Characters Think Of You Take This Quiz To Find Out

    Dark Harry Potter Secrets J.K. Rowling Didn’t Want You To Know

    Hello, there! Lets get this quiz going!

    Lets get moving here! We are as slow as snails!

    Hi! Um.. Can we start? 0-0

    Hi! Cant wait to start!!!!

    I am soooooo bored.

    What house do you think you would be in?

    Who is your favorite celebratie??

    Do you like Draco Malfoy???

    Im in between.

    Why do you ask this? I hate him.

    He should have never crawled out of the dark hole he came out of.

    Love him!!! Hes a real hottie.

    Which Harry???

    Is this funny to you???

    I fell off my chair that is so funny!

    No. Its stupid.

    I want to see my results!

    See you!

    Samantha Parkings

    Samantha Parkings

    You are a shy, independent women with a side of fearlessness and power. You are smart and make good decisions.House: RavenclawAge: One year older than the trioStatus: PurebloodEnemies: Pansy, Harry, Ron, Dean, SeamusLikes: Reading, Writing, School, ApplesHates: Coffee, Licorice, No Money What Characters Think of YouHarry: She is one of the worst people I know. #1: She dates Draco. #2 She is friends with Cho. #3: She makes me and my friends look humiliated.Ron: I do not like her.Hermione: She is a nice person to be around. I love going to the library with her and we talk in Aclomencie. Ginny: Shes all right. I can talk to her, but after a bit it gets awkward.F and G: She makes good jokes, but a lot of them are mean.

    Denna Frank Gohldin

    Lesa Delida

    Recommended Reading: How Do I Know What Harry Potter House I Am

    Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

    In the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling pits Harry against Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemorts memory within a secret diary which has possessed Rons younger sister Ginny. When Muggle-born students are suddenly being Petrified, many suspect that Harry may be behind the attacks, further alienating him from his peers. Furthermore, Harry begins to doubt his worthiness for House of Gryffindor, particularly considering he discovers he shares Lord Voldemorts ability to communicate with snakes via Parseltongue. In the climax, Ginny disappears. To rescue her, Harry battles Riddle and the monster he controls that is hidden in the Chamber of Secrets. To defeat the monster, Harry summons the Sword of Godric Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat supplied by Dumbledores pet phoenix, Fawkes. In doing so, Dumbledore later restores Harrys self-esteem by explaining that that feat is clear proof of his worthiness of his present house.

    What Do The Harry Potter Characters Think Of You

    Is Harry Potter madly in love with you? Does Snape want to end you? Does Hermione want to be your BFF? Or maybe Pansy? TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT!

    • What house are you in?
    • A.& nbsp
    • Hufflepuff

  • 2. You have just finished a Potions class and have lots of free time! What do you do with that time?
  • A.& nbsp

    Go practice beating the crap out of people in the Quidditch Pitch.

  • B.& nbsp

    Hang out with friends and explore the castle!

  • C.& nbsp

    Support your friend as she goes to talk to her crush.

  • D.& nbsp

    Study, study, STUDY! We have a freaking TEST tomorrow!!

  • 3. If you could choose any boy to go to the Yule Ball with, who would you go with?
  • A.& nbsp
  • Ron, so sweet and funny!

  • C.& nbsp

    Draco, super hot!

  • D.& nbsp


  • 4. Dumbledore is going on and on about the dangers of hexes, and you have to sit and listen. You…
  • A.& nbsp

    Sit ramrod straight and listen close. Can’t miss this!

  • B.& nbsp

    Slouch over but still listen. You could learn something.

  • C.& nbsp

    Daydream about world peace!

  • D.& nbsp

    Think of ways to get revenge on that annoying third year who decided to “accidentally” drop a Puking Pellet” in your lunch.

  • 5. The Yule Ball is almost here, and everyone has a date…but YOU! The only boy available is the grossest boy in the school. You…
  • A.& nbsp

    Begrudgingly go with him. Better than being embarrassed to death…

  • B.& nbsp

    Go in your dorm room and SMASH IT TO BITS! WHY MEEEE?!?!

  • C.& nbsp

    He’s not so bad, sure!

  • D.& nbsp

    Not going, gotta study!!!

  • A.& nbsp

    Say shyly, “Yes…I will go to the ball with you.”

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    Magical Abilities And Skills

    Throughout the series, Harry Potter is described as a gifted wizard apprentice. He has a particular talent for flying, which manifests itself in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone the first time he tries it, and gets him a place on a Quidditch team one year before the normal minimum joining age. He captains it in his sixth year. In his fourth year , Harry is able to confront a dragon on his broomstick.

    Harry is also gifted in Defence Against the Dark Arts, in which he becomes proficient due to his repeated encounters with Voldemort and various monsters. In his third year, Harry becomes able to cast the very advanced Patronus Charm, and by his fifth year he has become so talented at the subject that he is able to teach his fellow students in Dumbledores Army, some even older than him how to defend themselves against Dark Magic. At the end of that year, he achieves an Outstanding Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L., something that not even Hermione achieved. He is a skilled duellist, the only one of the six Dumbledores Army members to be neither injured nor incapacitated during the battle with Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He also fends off numerous Death Eaters during his flight to the Burrow at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

    Recommended Reading: Which Harry Potter Movie Came First

    Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    Are You Pureblood, Muggleborn, Or Half Blood?

    In the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Rowling uses a time travel premise. Harry learns that his parents were betrayed to Voldemort by their friend Peter Pettigrew, who framed Harrys godfather Sirius Black for the crimes, condemning him to Azkaban, the wizard prison. When Sirius escapes to find Harry, Harry and Hermione use a Time Turner to save him and a hippogriff named Buckbeak. When Pettigrew escapes, an innocent Sirius becomes a hunted fugitive once again. Harry learns how to create a Patronus, which takes the form of a stag, the same as his late fathers.

    Also Check: Whats The 3rd Harry Potter Movie

    Recommended Reading: What Happened To Harry Potters Grandparents

    How Do You Treat People That You Dislike

    Scroll down to answer

    • I have a lot of anger towards them. I try to be empathetic, but more often than not I want to hurt them.
    • I dont usually do much actual harm to them, but I love to prank them or get in their heads.
    • I find that understanding my enemies is the best way to move forwards. Sometimes that means forgiveness, and sometimes that means defeating them.
    • I tend to be afraid of people I dislike. I keep them at arms length.
    • I try to be kind to everything and everyone.

    Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

    In the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry of Magic has been waging a smear campaign against Harry and Dumbledore, disputing their claims that Voldemort has returned. Harry is made to look like an attention-seeking liar, and Dumbledore a trouble-maker. A new character is introduced when the Ministry of Magic appoints Dolores Umbridge as the latest Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor . Because the paranoid Ministry suspects that Dumbledore is building a wizard army to overthrow them, Umbridge refuses to teach students real defensive magic. She gradually gains more power, eventually ousting Dumbledore and seizing control of the school. As a result, Harrys increasingly angry and erratic behaviour nearly estranges him from Ron and Hermione.

    Rowling says she put Harry through extreme emotional stress to show his emotional vulnerability and humanitya contrast to his nemesis, Voldemort. a very human hero, and this is, obviously, a contrast, between him, as a very human hero, and Voldemort, who has deliberately dehumanised himself. And Harry, therefore, did have to reach a point where he did almost break down, and say he didnt want to play any more, he didnt want to be the hero any more and hed lost too much. And he didnt want to lose anything else. So that Phoenix was the point at which I decided he would have his breakdown.

    Read Also: How Do I Know What Harry Potter House I Am

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

    In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to complete Dumbledores task: to search for and destroy Voldemorts remaining four Horcruxes, then find and kill the Dark Lord. The three pit themselves against Voldemorts newly formed totalitarianpolice state, an action that tests Harrys courage and moral character. Voldemorts seizure of the Ministry of Magic leads to discriminatory and genocidal policies against Muggle-borns, fuelled by propaganda and fear. According to J. K. Rowling, telling scenes are when Harry uses Cruciatus Curse and Imperius Curse, unforgivable curses for torture and mind-control, on Voldemorts servants, and also when he casts Sectumsempra on Draco Malfoy during the bathroom fight in the sixth book. Each time shows aflawed and mortal side to Harry. However, she explains, He is also in an extreme situation and attempting to defend somebody very good against a violent and murderous opponent.

    Harry experiences occasional disturbing visions of Draco being forced to perform the Death Eaters bidding and feels sickenedby the use to which Draco was now being put by Voldemort, again showing his compassion for an enemy.

    Read Also: Which House Am I In

    This Simple Harry Potter House Quiz Is Only Two Questions Long

    Harry Potter: What Each Gryffindor Was Supposed To Look Like

    The different Hogwarts houses elicit diverse qualities that are unique yet can easily overlap with other houses, making sorting difficult outside of the Harry Potter universe. This two question Harry Potter House quiz breaks down the complicated human psyche while remaining accurate.

    Its hard to believe but the Harry Potter wizard world universe has been in our lives since the 90s. Many millennials grew up with Harry Potter in our household, and younger generations continue to keep the fandom alive as the world is expanded through new films and projects from author J.K. Rowling.

    One thing that instantly seems to come to mind for fans is what would happen if they were in the world themselves. Its easy to see why when we all just want to lose ourselves into the magical world of Harry Potter.

    Yet when it comes to sorting ourselves and non-Harry Potter characters into Harry Potter Hogwarts houses it tends to become a topic of dispute based around how the merits of each house are perceived when paired against subjective attributes. Many people might view themselves as belonging to a specific house, while others disagree with their opinion.

    Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry may be a fictional school with imaginary houses that the characters are sorted into, but that doesnt mean discussions around who is in what house in regards to non-Harry Potter sorting doesnt become just as heated as any other verbal debate.

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