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What Is Draco Malfoy’s Patronus

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Drarry Keeps Me Sane Ish On Draco Malfoy’s Patronus Being A Thestral

What Is Draco Malfoy’s Patronus?

I AM HERE TO ANSWER YOUR CALLS thestral may seem like a badass / very strange choice of a patronus for draco but I am here to explain WHY I think it should be dracos patronus!!! Id love to hear your thoughts / have people elaborate on my thoughts so feel free to!

First off, I feel like a lot of people brush off the idea of him having a thestral patronus because heck, why should draco malfoy of all people have a mythical creature? But thats one of the reasons why i love it. We all know that draco would absolutely LOVE having a mythical patronus but I stand strongly behind the idea that the ONE mythical patronus he would have never wanted is a thestral.

Thestrals as you all know are considered to be dangerous, omens of misfortune and only visible to those who have seen death. They are quite literally representative of death. It spells out /evil/ and /bad/ no matter how you look at how the world portrays them.

The whole idea of a thestral being a creature that is representive of death & misfortune but also having the ability to be a persons patronus, basically the opposite of what a thestral is known for, is SUCH a good way of describing draco. The image of post-war draco malfoy is like the image of a thestral in a flowerfield, they stand out too much for their setting of peace despite them not doing anything but being themselves. People fear/hate thestrals and they cant help it, just as people cant help but slap death eater on draco.


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His Name Says A Lot About His Personality

J. K. Rowling puts a lot of thought into her characters names and the names of locations – and the seemingly bland name of “Draco Malfoy” is no exception upon closer examination if;we take a look at its origin on Pottermore.

The name Draco can either be linked to the Latin for “dragon” or the constellation. The word “Draco” is even in Hogwarts motto: “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, “which translates as “never tickle a sleeping dragon.” Draco’s;last name, Malfoy, could have its roots in French, with “mal foi” translating as “unfaithful.” Rowling could have perhaps;been a bit more subtle when thinking of names for her villains, however, as “unfaithful dragon” doesnt leave a lot of space for redemption.

Harry Potter: 20 Strange Details About Draco Malfoys Anatomy

Of every character in the Harry Potter series, Draco Malfoy changes the most. Over the years, he learns many incredible skills and abilities.

Draco Malfoy is one of the most memorable secondary characters in the Harry Pottermovies;and books. It may be due to his irredeemable and despicable behaviour,as everyone loves a good villain. It could also be the appeal of actor Tom Felton in the movies, and all the subsequent fan fiction;they have;produced.

However, not a lot is revealed about him in the books, and less;even less is shown on;screen, leaving him a mystery. We;do know that his family has an unhealthy obsession with their pure blood heritage and an unflinching loyalty to Voldemort. One thing that we also know is that during his sixth year, Draco became even more villainous. He was given the task of assassinating Dumbledore and allowing the Death Eaters access to his present school, Hogwarts.

Some aspects that remained more hidden, though, including the origins of his name, which has links to the Hogwarts motto. His talents in transfiguration, charms, potions, and Occlumency are also never fully explored or known by the average person.

With that said, here are the 20 Strange Details About Draco Malfoys Anatomy In;Harry Potter.

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Why Did Harry Like Ginny

Harrys desire for Ginny is very strong; the time he has with her is described as something that was making him happier than he could remember being for a very long time 33 and later as, his best source of comfort. 34 Harry and Ginnys mutual physical attraction is doing what it is supposed to do it makes

Did Lily Know Snape Loved Her

My Patrono is a Panda!! ð? ð?¼

Lily has been portrayed as an intelligent and kind woman. She was one of the best witches in her year at Hogwarts. A combination of theses qualities may lead us to conclude that she must be aware of Snapes love for her but wanted to save him the embarrassment and pain and never acknowledged his feelings.

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Antioch Cadmus And Ignotus Peverell

The Peverell family is first mentioned in Half-Blood Prince as ancestors of , the maternal grandfather of Voldemort. In the final book of the series, they are revealed to be the original owners of the , which, according to , they received from Death, although Dumbledore believed it is more likely that they created them themselves. The Peverell lineage continues through its living descendants, including Harry and his children.

After Hermione saw the symbol of the Deathly Hallows on Ignotus Peverell’s grave in Godric’s Hollow, Harry recalled Marvolo Gaunt boasting that his ring held the Peverell on it, thus realising that the three brothers were the Peverells. Harry deduces that he is descended from Ignotus, as the cloak is passed down through his family. Furthermore, Rowling has confirmed that Harry and Voldemort are indeed distant relatives because of their relation to the Peverells, as the majority of wizard families share common ancestry.

Antioch Peverell was the eldest of the three Peverell brothers, and owner of the . He was killed in his sleep after bragging about the wand’s invincibility, having won a duel with it. The murderer then stole the Elder Wand, thus initiating its bloody history.

What Does Draco Work As

Draco works at the Ministry Of Magic, directly below Hermione, who is Minister of Magic. Draco originally had no job as he inherited Malfoy Manor and all the money but seeing as he wanted to be a better person he applied for a different job as a Auror and then got promoted multiple times to where he now stands.

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The Muggle Prime Minister

The , referred to as the Muggle Prime Minister by wizards, receives a visit from and in the opening chapter of . Using a series of flashbacks, Rowling describes how the Prime Minister is aware of the existence of the wizarding world, through several meetings with Fudge that include his first night as Prime Minister, the night in which escaped from , the notification of the incident in the World Cup and the announcement of the importation of dragons and a sphinx for the Triwizard Tournament, and finally the Azkaban mass break-out from the fifth book. Rowling intended to include the Prime Minister scene in earlier books, but she thought that it could not properly fit until the sixth book.

In the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the Prime Minister recalls his day, during which one of his political opponents had been criticising him and his government for several catastrophes that have recently happened in Britain. Readers discover a little later during the discussion with Fudge, that these catastrophes are, in fact, the doings of Voldemort and his followers. He also discovers that he is protected by an who now works in his office, .

He Is Never Seen Winning A Duel

Draco Malfoy’s Patronus [Harry Potter Theory]

Despite Draco and Harry being sworn enemies;during their time in Hogwarts, they only face off against each other twice.;Their first duel happens during their;second year in front of other second year students. However,;Snape and Lockhart intervene after a snake is conjured by Malfoy. When Draco and Harry next duel, it nearly results in the demise of Malfoy during Half-Blood Prince.

During the events of Order of the Phoenix,;Ginny and Draco also;duel, which results in Draco losing his wand.

The final duel we see Draco participate in is during Deathly Hallows,;when;Hermione gets the better of him.;At least during his youth, it was clear that Draco’s arrogance was just used as a shield.

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He Learnt The Unforgivable Curses

Dracos sixth year at Hogwarts was a pivotal and important year for the sole Malfoy child. As well as being given the task of overthrowing his school, he was taught the Unforgiveable Curses by Bellatrix Lestrange.

Lestrange, being Dracos aunt, most likely taught him these forbidden spells;to prepare him;for his role. We know for certain that Draco can perform Crucio and Imperio . However, it is unclear whether Draco ever learnt the ultimate Unforgiveable Curse: Avada Kedavra, which would destroy the receiver.;Though Draco seemed like an antagonist during his first year at Hogwarts, few fans expected him to become such a villain later in the story. However, it could be argued that this;was due to;the pressures of his family.

What Does It Mean If Your Patronus Is A Phoenix

Phoenix. Count yourself lucky if your Patronus is a phoenix theyre extremely rare, but they signify a very gracious and virtuous soul who has overcome difficulties in life. The phoenix, known for its ability to rise from its own ashes, represents renewal and rebirth as well as the victory of life over death.

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He Has Ice Grey Eyes In The Books But Tom Felton Has Blue Eyes In The Movies

In the books, Draco is described as having platinum blonde hair and ice grey eyes. There are many parallels between Voldemort and his army and the Axis leaders and their army in WWII, so it makes sense that Draco would look like this.; However, in real life, the actor who;brought Draco Malfoy to life on the big screen, Tom Felton, looks nothing like this. Felton has brown;hair and blue eyes. Because of this, he had to dye his hair blonde;for the movies.

Similarly,;Daniel Radcliffe did not have Harry Potters green eyes. However, he found the contact lenses too painful to wear so the movies were filmed without them. Though not many fans may remember Dracos eye color from the books, Harrys eyes are constantly referred to;in both the books and movies, which makes it even more noticeable.

He’s Proud Of His Pure Blood Family

Draco Malfoy

The Wizarding World of;Harry Potter;may be incredible, but when it comes to metaphors, it is not very subtle. The fact that some wizarding families, such as the Malfoys, favor;those with pure blood is meant to echo the real world prejudices that some hold. Dracos parents instilled;the belief that he is superior;to;half blood;and muggles;on him at a young age. This explains his resentment towards Hermione, whom he calls “Mudblud” incessantly.

This hatred for anyone;who is not pure blood is a trait;that;many;of the old wizarding families;share.

The notable exceptions are Nymphodora Tonks and Sirius Black, who were cast out of the family for their beliefs that muggles and wizards are equal. Draco may not be as hostile towards muggles and muggle-born wizards by the end of the Deathly Hallows, but it is still a prejudice;that he cannot escape.

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He Was Supposed To Get Along With Harry

Draco and Harry were supposed to get along. According to Pottermore, Dracos birthday is June 5, which makes him a;Gemini. Meanwhile, Harrys birthday is July 31, which makes him a Leo.

These two star signs are meant to get along with one another and are even able to become close friends.

During their first meeting, there was definitely potential for them to become friends, as Malfoy extends a hand of friendship to Harry. However, Harry sensed;Draco’s arrogance and hostility and rejected him. Despite this,;the fact that their star signs match up so well may have been a coincidence on behalf of J. K. Rowling. Or perhaps it could have been a hint that had Harry Potter shaken Dracos hand, they could have formed an evil alliance.

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Draco becomes the new Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team after his father, Lucius Malfoy, donates new, high-quality Nimbus 2001 broomsticks. When Hermione Granger comments that the Gryffindor players made the team through talent and not bribery, Draco responds by calling her a Mudblood. This provokes an immediate, violent response from Ron Weasley. Because of Draco’s contempt for Muggle-borns, Harry, Ron, and Hermione suspect that Draco is the Heir of Slytherin, who has recently reopened the Chamber of Secrets. Harry and Ron disguise themselves as Crabbe and Goyle with Polyjuice Potion and infiltrate the Slytherin common room in an attempt to collect additional information, whereupon they realise that their initial suspicion about Draco is incorrect.

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Creation For Books And Films

Rowling has suggested that she may have inadvertently taken the name from the hogwort plant , which she had seen at some time before writing the series, although the names “The Hogwarts” and “Hoggwart” appear in the 1954 book How to Be Topp by .

Most exterior scenes were shot on location at , but views of the exterior of the entire school were created from shots of with a digital spire added to the towers. Durham Cathedral also served as a set for Hogwarts interiors.

A scale model was created for exterior shots of the entire school. Models of Alnwick Castle and Durham Cathedral were also built to create more integration between the model and on location shots. It took a team of 86 artists and crew members 74 years worth of man hours to complete the model.

Harry Potter And The Half

What is Lucius Malfoy’s PATRONUS? – Harry Potter Theory

Draco is drawn into Death-Eaters’ activities more directly in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Because of Lucius’ arrest and fall from Voldemort’s favour, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange visit Snape at his home to discuss a dangerous task that Voldemort has assigned Draco. Narcissa, deeply worried that her son will be killed in his attempt to complete it, begs Snape to make an Unbreakable Vow to aid Draco with this task and protect him at all costs, and if Draco fails to complete the mission, he will complete it himself; he agrees.

In this book, Draco is, for the first time since being introduced in the series, portrayed as having considerable initiative, ingenuity, and perseverance. However, unlike Harry, who always relies on his friends’ support and help, Draco mostly works alone in the Room of Requirement, refusing to confide in or involve his own circle of friends, whom he treats more as underlings. This, and the realisation of what he is ultimately expected to do, nearly drives him to a nervous breakdown. When Harry walks in on Malfoy crying in Moaning Myrtle‘s bathroom, Draco attempts to cast the Cruciatus Curse. Harry is faster to the draw with an obscure Sectumsempra spell that he learned from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince’s book. The spell cuts deep gashes into Malfoy’s face and chest, resulting in severe blood loss. Snape, alerted by Myrtle’s screams, swiftly arrives and heals Draco’s cuts, then takes him to the hospital wing.

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Has Lucius Malfoy Killed Anyone

Lucius never kills anyone in the texts, but he is a high ranking Death Eater. Its a possibility but not a certainty. Voldemort has plenty of people who dont mind killing, as well as some who enjoy it. He also has Pettigrew, who doesnt seem to like killing but does it regardless because hes afraid to disobey.

Did Bellatrix Kill Hermione

Bellatrix didnt kill Hermione but a real question should be WHY she didnt do that. It is well known Bellatrix tortured many Muggle-born and killed them as well, for her own amusement. At Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix had a great opportunity to kill Hermione who was literally saved by Godric Gryffindors sword.

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He Is A Gifted Occlumens

While Harry Potter is undoubtedly a gifted wizard, one of the things he was never able to master was Occlumency. This is the act of closing your mind;to anyone;who attempts to read it.

Draco managed to surpass his rival by mastering the art of this notoriously tricky skill.

While it may seem peculiar that Draco can keep other wizards out his head while Harry cannot, this is in keeping with his character.;J. K. Rowling confirmed that Draco managed to become a gifted Occlumens due to his ability to suppress his emotions.;The fact that Draco can excel in this area is only due to his repressed emotional issues;that may stem from his dysfunctional family.

He Is The Only Person Voldemort Is Known To Have Hugged


One of the most sinister Voldemort moments happens;when he;tries to honor one of his followers. This moment occurs during the Battle of Hogwarts, when Voldemort demands loyalty from the students of Hogwarts.

In a gesture of goodwill, Voldemort slowly and awkwardly brings Draco into an embrace in front of his followers. Understandably, Draco looks absolutely terrified, since the Dark Lord has never shown affection of any kind before. This is the only known instance of a Death Eater;- or anyone for that matter;- receiving;a hug from;Voldemort.

Are there any other interesting facts about Draco Malfoy’s body in;Harry Potter? Let us know in the comments!

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What Is The Strongest Patronus

1 Professor Dumbledores Phoenix. Dumbledore is the only named character we know of with a magical creature as his Patronus.2 Harrys Stag. 3 *James Potters Stag. 4 *Lily Potters Doe. 5 Snapes Doe. 6 Kingsley Shacklebolts Lynx. 7 Dolores Umbridges Cat. 8 Aberforth Dumbledores Goat. More itemsJun 4, 2020

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