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Who Was Draco’s First Kiss

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Did Luna Lovegood Die

draco & harry kissing

Luna guided both the injured Ginny and the Confunded Ron until they met up with Harry and Neville. Luna was one of the last D.A. members to fall, eventually being stunned by a Death Eater and thrown across the room. She regained focus just before the end of the battle and survived relatively unscathed.

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He Threatens A Werewolf Attack

Fans of the Potter movies know that Draco helps the Death Eaters enter Hogwarts by repairing an old pair of vanishing cabinets. One is placed in the Room of Requirement, while the other is in Borgin & Burkes. And, when Draco feels Borgin isnt being a great help to him, he then evilly threatens him with violence.

Not just any violence, either. A werewolf attack, one that would be carried out by Fenrir Greyback. Greyback is close to the Malfoy family and, therefore, would have likely carried out Dracos bidding. The werewolf does appear in the Half-Blood Prince blockbuster but has barely any screen time and, throughout the final few movies of the series, is definitely underused.

What If Hermione Was In Ravenclaw

Hermione wouldnt be close friends with Harry and Ron, at least in the beginning. The series focus a lot on how important it is to read and learn, intelligence and knowledge, and with Hermione in Ravenclaw, the books would tend to focus on Harry and Rons brawn and how they blustered through half-made plans.

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Who Did Draco Have A Crush On

Hermione GrangerThere is no textual evidence to suggest Draco Malfoy had a crush on Hermione Granger. The Yule Ball is often the source of Malfoys imaginary crush on Hermione. Pansy Parkinson gaped at her as she walked by with Malfoy, and even he didnt seem to be able to find an insult to throw at her.

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Finding Out Theyre The Happy Memory You Use To Cast Your Patronus Charm

Draco and Astoria sharing their first kiss in the Mansion ...

Barty Crouch Jr: Barty would be in disbelief for a while, but the idea of him being your happy memory would fill him with glee. Hed want to shout it from the rooftops. Hes really honored.

Bellatrix LeStrange: Bellatrix would be surprised at finding out shes part of your happy memory, but once over the shock, shed gloat about it a bit.

Draco Malfoy: Draco would pretend he didnt care that he was your happy memory, but it would actually be quite touching for him.

Minerva McGonagall: Minerva would find it quite heartwarming to know that you use a memory of her to help you cast your patronus charm.

Molly Weasley: Molly would be so flattered at being your happy memory. Shed think its positively adorable that you think of her when casting your patronus charm.

Narcissa Malfoy: Narcissa would take pride in being the memory you think of when casting your patronus charm. Shes not arrogant about it, and wont lord it over you, but shed be quietly satisfied that its her you think of.

Rita Skeeter: For Rita, being your happy memory would be the highest honor. Shed be delighted for days after she found out and would be in a very dreamy state about it.

Severus Snape: Snape would be in utter disbelief that anything to do with him could possibly be such a happy memory as to he used to help cast your patronus charm.

For anon

Warnings: Mentions of fear/anxiety, but really its mostly fluff.

Its not you, Mr. Stark, you explained. Its the robots. Your suits and the others.

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Why Did Draco Malfoy Kiss Harry Potter

Soft and slow, he wants to show Draco that he loves every part of him, every piece thats made him who he is. Their first kiss happens on the Quidditch pitch. Draco finally admits hes been in love with Harry for years, but didnt want to risk the friendship they had so carefully built since leaving Hogwarts.

Who Did Draco Kiss

Harry checks the Marauders Map in his dorm and decides that Draco should never be in the tower alone, so he sneaks out of bed to meet him. Harry sits down next to Draco and with only the light of the stars to see, he takes Dracos arm and kisses the Dark Mark, then he kisses Draco on the lips.

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Are Harry And Draco Friends

Draco and Harry were at peace, but they didnt become friends, a dynamic that is captured well when they spot one another from a distance at Platform 9 3/4. That being said, the friendship Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter form in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child does cause Harry and Draco to open up and work together.

Did Hermione Kiss Draco

Harry Potter: Kiss the… Draco ! – Harry/Draco SLASH

The first time Draco Malfoy kissed Hermione Granger, she denied it ever happened. She did her best to tamper with her memories, to imagine it was Ron, Viktor, even Harry! Anyone but Malfoy. Didnt want to acknowledge that she enjoyed their intense kiss immensely.

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Is Draco Malfoy Villain

Draco Lucius Malfoy is a major antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, serving as the secondary antagonist of both the Philosophers Stone and the Half-Blood Prince, a major antagonist in the Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, and the Order of the Phoenix and a major anti-hero in the

He Was At Hogwarts After Voldemorts Death

After Voldemort dies, its a time for mourning and celebration in equal measure. Everybody in the wizarding world is jubilant about his passing but sad at the sheer scale of life lost, with the likes of Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Fred Weasley all perishing in battle.

In the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the Malfoys flee before the Dark Lords passing. This isnt the case in the source material, though, with Lucius, Narcissa and Draco all seen sitting in the Great Hall afterwards – unsure if they belong there. Its a subtle change, however, and was perhaps made just to give the trio more closure.

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He Was Furious When Buckbeak Escaped

Draco very nearly gets Buckbeak the Hippogriff killed during the events on the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Slytherin student insults the creature – who then retaliates by slashing him with his huge talons. As punishment for this, despite the fact he was provoked, Buckbeak is sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic in a huge miscarriage of justice.

Luckily, Harry and Hermione save the day by using a time-turner. What the movie doesnt reveal, though, is just how angry Draco and his father were when they found out about Buckbeaks miraculous escape. The pairs words fall on death ears, because the Ministry unable to do anything about it with Buckbeak – and Sirius Black – both long gone by this point.

Why Did Harry Kiss Ginny

I cant get over their first kiss stuff omg please help me ...

They kissed because of a mutual attraction/growing affection for one another. Ginny had liked Harry since she first saw him at Kings Cross when she was 10. And Harry had started having feelings for Ginny over the summer before his 6th year and throughout his 6th year. Their kiss was certainly better in the books.

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Did Lucius Malfoy Kill Anyone

Lucius never kills anyone in the texts, but he is a high ranking Death Eater. Its a possibility but not a certainty. Voldemort has plenty of people who dont mind killing, as well as some who enjoy it. He also has Pettigrew, who doesnt seem to like killing but does it regardless because hes afraid to disobey.

Hvorfor Er Draco En Kujon

Der var masser af bøller vist på Hogwarts, inklusive Harrys egen far. Malfoy var dog den fejeste af partiet, som han ville mobber børn ligesom Neville kun, da han havde Crabbe og Goyle som backup. Malfoy forsøgte at mobbe Ron på egen hånd i Philosopher’s Stone, men stoppede, da Ron slog ham tilbage.

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Who Did Draco Marry

Draco married the younger sister of a fellow Slytherin. Astoria Greengrass, who had gone through a similar conversion from pure-blood ideals to a more tolerant life view, was felt by Narcissa and Lucius to be something of a disappointment as a daughter-in-law.

In this manner, Who is the richest family in Harry Potter?

Wealth. The Black family, as with many other pure-blood wizarding families like the Malfoys, the Lestranges and the Potter family, is considered to be very wealthy.

Keeping this in view, Who is Draco Malfoys crush?

Pansy Parkinson is a supporting character in the Harry Potter novels and some of the films, and she is Draco Malfoys Love Interest.

Furthermore, Who did Draco Malfoy lost his virginity to?

Pansy Parkinson

Pansy had had a crush on Draco for a long time since at Hogwarts. Draco lost his virginity to her on the Yule Ball night in fourth year and since then Draco and Pansy had been sexual partners.

Who is Draco Malfoys first kiss?

Their first kiss happens on the front steps of Malfoy Manor.Harry brings Draco his wand after speaking at his trial, This is yours thank you. And this time, Draco wont let him walk away. Harry turns to leave and Draco grabs his arm, turns him back and kisses him.

Secondly, Who is richer Harry or Draco?

Although Harry is rich, with his net worth coming to around 2.6 million dollars in muggle money, it is nothing compared to the enormous amount of 1.6 billion dollars that make up Dracos net worth.

He Helped Rita Skeeter Discredit Harry

Last First Kiss- Draco Hermione

Rita Skeeter is an abhorrent journalist, one who takes great pleasure in writing nasty, horrible and untrue stories about the good guys in the wizarding world. She makes life particularly difficult for Harry during his fourth year at the castle, driving an agenda of hate against the Boy Who Lived.

This doesnt really happen in the Goblet of Fire movie, though it is vaguely touched upon. In the source material, its revealed that Draco is acting as an informant to Rita, giving her all the latest news and gossip surrounding Harry to discredit him amid his Triwizard Tournament campaign. Hermione eventually finds out that Rita is an animagus and, instead of letting the world know, uses it to blackmail her further down the line.

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Who Is Draco Malfoys Crush

August 29, 2021, 12:47 am19.6k Views

So lets all try not to get too geek-strange about the WORLD-SHAKING REVELATION that Hermione Granger actually had a secret crush on Draco Malfoy .

Furthermore, What if Draco was in Gryffindor?

If Draco had been a Gryffindor, he still would have had parents strongly affiliated with Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange as an aunt. Malfoy Manor wouldve still been a good base for Voldemort. Dumbledore would remain a major threat and Malfoy would have been in a good position to get close to him at school.

Secondly, Who married Draco?

The wedding of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass took place sometime after the Second Wizarding War, presumably sometime in the early 2000s.

In this regard, Who was Draco Malfoys first kiss?

Their first kiss happens on the front steps of Malfoy Manor. Harry brings Draco his wand after speaking at his trial, This is yours thank you. And this time, Draco wont let him walk away. Harry turns to leave and Draco grabs his arm, turns him back and kisses him.

What would happen if Hermione married Draco?

Harry would probably never trust Draco even if he married Hermione. Harry would eventually have to choose between his two friends. Voldemort will see Draco as an enemy but might try to convert him. In the end the relationship would never work out.

How Did Draco Malfoy Marry

Draco Malfoy married Astoria Greengrass. She was a British pure-blood witch. She also was a member of the Greengrass family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Astoria began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1993, two years below her husband, Draco Malfoy, and her elder sister, Daphne Greengrass.

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Did Hermione Kiss Harry

The moment that all fans had been waiting for finally occurred during Deathly Hallows when Ron and Hermione shared a passionate kiss during the heat of the Battle of Hogwarts. The kiss that Ron and Hermione shared is certainly incredibly passionate, but she did technically kiss Harry before their big moment.

References : 19 interviews and posts 5 Videos.

Hvem Giftede Sig Med Blaise Zabini

draco malfoy hermione granger kissing

Han ville bare ikke overlade visse mennesker til de ulve, ministeriet var blevet til. I april 2000 døde Jonothan også på mystisk vis. Blaise troede, at med seks børn og at være enkemand syv gange ville holde mænd væk, og det gjorde det i et stykke tid. Indtil maj 2002, hvor hun giftede sig Harrison Greene.

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Hvem Gifter Theodore Nott Sig Med

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  • Did Harry Have A Crush On Draco

    Harry Potter had a crush on Draco Malfoy and was in love with the Slytherin student even when in a relationship with Ginny Weasley, says actor Tom Felton in a fun new interaction. It is almost eight years since the Harry Potter series bowed out of a film theatre but the fans refuse to bid it goodbye.

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    He Receives A Beating On The Hogwarts Express

    Harry is depressed at the end of his fourth year, with Lord Voldemorts return and Cedric Diggorys death having big consequences for the wizarding world. But Draco, being the bully he is, attempts to mock the Boy Who Lived and Cedric on the train journey back from Hogwarts. Unfortunately for him, it doesnt work.

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    Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley all attack him before he can even finish speaking – leaving Draco extremely battered and bruised as a result. Youd think hed learn his lesson after this but, alas, he continues to act like hes something special. Leopards cant change their spots, right?

    Did Neville Really Like Luna

    Draco& Hermione(Kiss Manip)

    Luna and Neville were almost a couple In the end this didnt amount to anything, but J.K. Rowling has revealed that they were almost an item. She once told USA Today that she started to feel a bit of a pull between them but added that if they were together by the end it would have felt too neat.

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    Hvilken Farve Har Pansy Parkinsons Jne

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  • Why Is Nymphadora A Bad Name

    Because to British ears its an awkward and silly-sounding name which sounds like it might belong to a Victorian stripper. She thought it was old-fashioned. Nymphadora breaks down into two parts: Nymph a nymph is a type of female spirit found in Greek mythology they normally possess shape-shifting powers.

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    He Made Crabbe And Goyle Take Polyjuice Potion

    During Dracos sixth year at Hogwarts, he completely abandons his studies. He instead devotes himself to repairing the two vanishing cabinets in a plot that he hoped would end with the death of Albus Dumbledore and earn himself the trust of Lord Voldemort in the process. But, because of the size of the operation, he cant do it alone.

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    Therefore, he gets Crabbe and Goyle to take Polyjuice Potion. This is so they can keep an eye on the Room of Requirement without anybody being suspicious. Harry finds this out but, by the time he does, the plan is very much in motion. And, by the end of the year, Dumbledore is gone – with Severus Snape, rather than Draco, carrying out the deed.

    Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy Their First Kiss Happens In The Eighth Year Common


    Their first kiss happens in the eighth year common room. Surrounded by their classmates, an empty bottle in the middle of the room points at Draco. Hermione gives Harry a knowing look, a small smile gracing her face as she starts chanting, Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Harry turns bright red, and Draco sneers, Scared, Potter? And Harry is, but he wont admit it. He grabs Dracos tie and crashes their lips together. Theyre too drunk to be graceful they waited too long to be patient. But time seems to slow as they melt into each other.

    Their first kiss happens in the Astronomy Tower. Draco is crying, thinking about the war and the decisions he made. The Dark Mark on his arm is a constant reminder that he wasnt strong enough wasnt brave enough. Harry checks the Marauders Map in his dorm and decides that Draco should never be in the tower alone, so he sneaks out of bed to meet him. Harry sits down next to Draco and with only the light of the stars to see, he takes Dracos arm and kisses the Dark Mark, then he kisses Draco on the lips. Soft and slow, he wants to show Draco that he loves every part of him, every piece thats made him who he is.

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