Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Am I Harry Potter House

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The Most Accurate Harry Potter House Quiz

WHICH HOUSE AM I IN? HARRY POTTER sorting hat quiz + Finding out my Patronus and Wand!

A new apprentice! Welcome to Hogwarts! As every year, we start with the Sorting Ceremony. As you may have guessed, the ceremony is about assigning each student to one of the houses. There are four houses – Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Perhaps before coming to Hogwarts, you wondered, “what Hogwarts house am I?” The moment has come, and your guesses will come true! All you have to do is take the Harry Potter House Quiz, and Sorting Hat will assign you a house without much thought!

However, before we get to the Harry Potter house quiz itself, it’s time for a big welcome feast. The new students will be introduced one after the other into the Great Hall, where the Sorting Hat will be waiting at the high stage. The Sorting Hat, as every year, has prepared a song for you, which you will hear in a moment. Each student will be read alphabetically by Professor McGonagall. Once you are read, you will sit on a stool, where you will finally learn the answer to your question – what Harry Potter house am I?

Don’t be afraid! The Sorting Hat has a superhuman sense that will ensure that you will be assigned to a house that will perfectly suit you. Perhaps it will be a noble Gryffindor, an ambitious Slytherin, a creative Ravenclaw, or a fair Hufflepuff? You will find out in a moment.

Fred & George Weasley

You showed the closest resemblance to Fred and George Weasley. They are the twin brothers of Ron, who were always pulling pranks.

They are best known for their senses of humor and for their love of pranks. We see their comedic efforts throughout the series.

In terms of negative traits, some of their pranks could be cruel. They were also not ones to follow any rules and could cause a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, Fred passed away at the very end of the series. His legacy will remain forever though.

If you got Fred and George on this quiz:

Chances are that you love to goof around and dont take things too seriously. If there is a practical joke pulled, you are the first person that gets blamed based on your history.

Harry Potter House Quiz: Where Would You Be Sorted

Which Harry Potter house are you? If you have ever asked yourself this question, you have come to the right place. We have put together a personality quiz that will let you know the Hogwarts house that you would be sorted into if you attended the school. Are you a Gryffindor like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley? Are you a Hufflepuff like Cedric Diggory, Newt Scamander, and Nymphadora Tonks? How about a Ravenclaw like Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Cho Chang. Or, are you a Slytherin like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Horace Slughorn? Take our Harry Potter house quiz and find out where you would fit! We have also included some additional trivia about each of the great houses at the end of this page.

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What Harry Potter House Am I Quiz

Hogwarts Duty Stamp

Harry Potter house quiz is a free Hogwarts house test that tells you what harry potter house are you and which Hogwarts house suits your personality! Just answer a few questions, and you will get the house that matches your skills, style and personality. If you are a true Potterhead, take the Harry Potter Sorting Hat quiz to get sorted into your Pottermore House! The sorting hat tells you which house is most likely your nature. If you take the test, you will also get the characteristics of your Harry Potter personality along with your Hogwarts house.

Before finding answer to “What House Am I?” with this Harry Potter house test, we have to mention the four great houses in Harry Potter, Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

The Sorting Hat Quiz Dilemma

What Harry Potter House are you?

We may be sorting too soon.

Do you remember yourself at the age of 11? We all were strange beings at the time. Our values, preferences, and insecurities were still shaping. How can we or the Hat make a choice that would determine us for the next seven years? The Hat should have at least some access to our future character, right? Its powers are still a mystery.For the Houses and their values are so different. Theres much in-between. But, in the end, each of them encompasses a wide range of characters.

We offer you a Harry Potter sorting quiz that will take a look at various sides of your personality to determine not only what you are but what youd like to be.Do you perhaps value courage in people but lack it in daily life? Gryffindor will encourage you to be strong and brave despite your fear. Just think of Neville, whos sure hes going to Hufflepuff but uncovers its hero potential in the Lion House. Thats a bright example that the Hat is right, even if you don’t believe in yourself.

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Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong To

How big of a Harry Potter fan are you? Perhaps youve staged a marathon of the movies or created a themed party. Maybe you memorized the books and know the movies scene by scene, or you might struggle with identifying with one of the four Houses.Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor each have defining characteristics. Perhaps you are a hasty person, quick to rush into situations with guns blazing. Or youre more calculative and wait to see which is to your advantage. Maybe youre a unique unicorn, with your head in the clouds and your bare feet in the dirt? You may not know what house youd be sorted into, but we feel confident that we do. Take this test to see what Hogwarts House youd wind up in.

Quiz WriterJoselyn

How Does The Sorting Hat Work

Every house has different features to separate it from the rest, defining them. How does this Sorting Hat test work? The Sorting Hat test will put you in a house according to the personality questions you answer. Dont worry, its not like a serious quiz it has simple questions.

The primary goal of this Harry Potter Sorting Hat test is to let you see the cardinal trait of your personality. If you have both Slytherin and Gryffindor characteristics but care more about being optimistic than courageous, you will get Slytherin.

If youre loyal and smart and your main concern is intellect, you will end up with Ravenclaw. You know in your heart that youve got a favorite you hope you will go to. You dont need to wait anymore to find out. Stay tuned for the results!

Recommended Reading: Accurate Harry Potter House Quiz

Harry Potter Test Only For Real Fans

Do you think you can win this Harry Potter quiz? If you read all of that in your head with a British accent, then you will!! So everybody Wands up! Start this test and find out which house is the best match for you.

Dont forget to share this quiz with your friends and make sure theyre all caught up!! Have fun but remember what Albus Dumbledore said, It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.!

Extended Full Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz

Which HARRY POTTER House am I?! (Harry Potter Quiz)

Take the full Pottermore house quiz to determine your Hogwarts house accurately. Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible. The Pottermore quiz does not only decide to which house you belong to by answering the questions, no. The quiz also takes into account how long you decide on each question.

So dont try to fool the Sorting Hat. He will know if youre trying to cheat the quiz!

Also Check: When Was Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Published

Have You Ever Wondered What House The Sorting Hat Would Have Put You In Now’s The Time To Find Out

Which show do you most watch?

Liv and Maddie

Which house are you hoping for?


Which food would you most like to eat?


What is your favourite school subject?


How evil do you think you are?

Quite Evil



You know a little bit about a lot of things. Well just enough to make you dangerous. You are loyal, kind and hardworking so you always try your best no matter how hard something gets. You might not be the brightest but you are one of the best friends anyone could wish for.



You might have a lot of enemies, good that means that you have stood up for something. You are brave, chivalrous, daring and confident. You are a great romantic partner because you will always stand up for what they and you believe in.



You always learn the rules, Why? Well because that way you can break them properly of course! You area bit of a rebel at heart but might not always show it because your ambitious streak means that you can be quiet and mysterious when you need to be. However sometimes your temper gets the better of you. You are a terrific leader.



Have you ever wondered what house the sorting hat would have put you in? Now’s the time to find out.

The Sorting Hat Quiz Might Help A Little

But how does Sorting hat works? As you already know, Each house has unique features that define them, and the sorting hat test puts you in one of these categories by asking a few personality questions. Dont get so confused! This Harry Potter house quiz has very simple questions.

  • How often do you push yourself very hard when trying to achieve a goal?
  • Do you tend to exploit others towards your end?
  • Do you think that you entitled to more respect than the average person?
  • How passionate are you to face your fears?
  • How would you react if anyone picks on you and your friend?
  • Do you see yourself as sympathetic, warm? Or disorganized, careless? Or a critical person?

The main goal of the sorting hat test is to show which side of your personality is more robust. If you have Gryffindor and Slytherin characteristics, but you care more about being courageous than optimistic, it will suggest Gryffindor. If youre smart and loyal, but youre more concerned with intellect, it will suggest Ravenclaw. If you still dont know which side are you, youll find out at the end of the Harry Potter house quiz, so stay tuned!

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Which Harry Potter House Am I

Harry Potter quizzes are always fun! But this one is a bit different as it’s 99% accurate to find out Which Harry Potter house you really are!

Are you ready to sort out which Hogwarts House you are belong to by playing our Harry Potter House Quiz! Test your personality and find the house that matches you by the magical soring hat even if you did not get your Hogwarts letter at the age of eleven.

More About The Founder Godric Gryffindor

Harry Potter House Quiz. 100 Times Better Than Sorting Hat

Godric Gryffindor was said to value courage, determination, and also strength in students that represented his house.

Godricâs Hollow is named after him. This is the village where Harry lived when he was a baby. This was also the place where Harryâs parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort.

Godric was said to be the most accomplished dueler of his time.

Godric and Salazar Slytherin were originally great friends but they grew apart in their later years.

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Hogwarts House Quiz Warming Up A Little

The four founders picked students for their houses in the early days of the school. But after that, Godric Gryffindor took off his hat, and they each applied expertise to it, enabling the Sorting Hat to choose the students by judging the attributes of each student and putting them in the most suitable house.

Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry, and its mascot is the lion, with scarlet red and gold color.

Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black.

Ravenclaw values intelligence, learning, wisdom, and wit with a mascot of the eagle and the color of blue and bronze.

And the last house, Slytherin, values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and its colors are green and silver.

Our Two Question Harry Potter House Sorting Hat Quiz:

Its time to take our very simple Harry Potter House Quiz!

You have a decision to make. How do you make your decision?

a. After weighing all the options I go with my gut and choose the answer which feels right/best to meb. I analyze each of the options and pick the option that will have the best outcome or have the fewest drawbacks.

You walk into a room to find a jerk cussing out your best friend and your friend didnt do anything wrong! They both leave the room through separate doors. Who is the FIRST person you follow?

a. My friendb. The jerk

Two questions with only two options to choose from seems like it isnt enough, but because of the nature of the questions themselves it delves deeper into our psyche, looking at our thought processes and reactions.

The answers:

b. & a.: Ravenclawb. & b.: Slytherin

No matter the Hogwarts house you associate with, each has its own pluses and minuses that come with it. Just because someone is in Slytherin doesnt mean they are evil, just like how it is possible for someone in Gryffindor to go dark side.

Its about looking within us and the characters we love when taking a Sorting Hat quiz, and choosing which qualities we feel are representative of the whole. Perception may vary, but deep down we make choices and those choices lead us to our rightful houses.

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Which Harry Potter Character Am I

There are a couple of different outcomes, depending on your answers. Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible for a more accurate result. And always remember: This quiz is just for fun. Dont be mad if you get an unwanted result. And if you get an undesirable character, just retake the quiz!

Take This Test To Determine Whether You Would Be Sorted Into Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Or Slytherin At Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry


Say you were confronted by Death. He wishes to bestow upon you a great gift, for having thwarted him. Which would you ask for?

A Stone That Can Bring Back The Dead

A Wand More Powerful Than Any Other

A Cloak of Invisibility

You have a very difficult final exam coming up next week. How do you prepare?

I like to study in the library where its quiet. I also like flashcards. Repetition is key.

I start studying early, but I dont worry too much. I know I understand the material.

I form a study group. Questioning the professor for hints always helps too.

I study best through application. Anything hands on, really.

I wing it. I have more important things to worry about.

I procrastinate until the last minute and then pull an all-nighter.

You find you have lost the trail while hiking in the mountains and now you are hopelessly disoriented. What do you do?

Start walking down the mountain. If you follow the valley youll find your way, you think.

Turn back in the direction you came. You think you have a pretty good sense of direction and could find the trail again.

You stay put where you are. You dont want to get any more lost and you know someone will realize youre gone and send help.

Get to the top of the mountain. Then youll have a good vantage point to see where to go.

Pick a pastime to keep you busy at Hogwarts:


Read Also: What Is Hermione’s Middle Name

Which Harry Potter House Are You

Instructions: All you have to do is answer the 25 sorting hat quiz questions below and we will give you a result at the end. It will automatically move you on to the next question after you select your answer. There will also be social sharing buttons at the end so that you can easily share your result with your friends.

  • Air
  • Red
  • Laziness
  • Me in a mansion with lots of expensive items
  • Me surrounding by all of my family and friends
  • Me in a quiet room with plenty of books, paper, and my laptop
  • Me on an adventure around the World
  • Creative
  • Other
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Dull
  • CEO
  • Unicorn Tail Hair
  • Action
  • Draco Malfoy
  • The Dark Arts Outsmarted
  • A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
  • Abracadabra: An A-Z of Spooky Spells
  • The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • Professor McGonagall
  • Ron Weasley
  • The Grey Lady
  • Tiger
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • I’ve never seen Game of Thrones
  • Alohomora
  • Jeff Hardy
  • I don’t like any of them
  • Asiatic Anti-Venoms
  • Have Yourself a Fiesta in a Bottle!
  • I would kick or ram it down
  • I would pick the lock
  • I would think and find the key
  • I would knock or ask someone to help
  • Yoda
  • I don’t like Star Wars
  • Gryffindor

How Did She Die

In a horrible way, frankly. After stealing her mothers diadem and running away, Rowena Ravenclaw sent The Baron to retrieve her. Alas, it didnt go so well. The Baron, mad with jealousy at Helenas freedom, ended up stabbing her when she refused to return with him. Helenas ghost had a single dark wound upon her chest as a result.

Recommended Reading: How Much Did It Cost To Make The Harry Potter Movies

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